FTC Officials Back Tesla’s Right To Sell Cars Direct To Consumers

Tesla has been fighting an uphill battle against these outdated regulations, most visibly in New Jersey, where Governor Chris Christie first forebode direct sales, bowing to powerful dealer local interests, then had to go back on that move following a decision by the New Jersey Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee, which resulted in a new law just passed in March being passed that allowed it to return to selling the vehicles.
Michigan is shaping up to be the next battleground, through this new bill, which is actually aimed at letting specialty covered tricycle company Elio sell its products direct, though others including Texas and West Virginia are still keeping the direct sales ban burning. Throughout this process, the FTC has let it be known that at the federal level, sentiment is on the side of Tesla, but this new declaration of support may be the most clear-cut, far-reaching and definitive yet.
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